Tuesday, January 01, 2008

9:45 pm Update

EC has cancelled the Winter Storm Watch about an hour ago. Now calling for 5 cm except 15 cm inland over higher ground. Temperature continues to rise, -0.7*C.
Evening Update

As mentioned in earlier post today was a sunny day with calm winds.

High -0.6*C
Low -9.2*C

Current -1.3*C
Wind light from the SE
Barometer 101.9 kPa and falling

Storm Update

EC still has a Winter Storm Watch issued for the area, calling for 10-15 cm of snow. Looking at the coastal temperatures which are around freezing and the same temperatures along coastal Maine, this could be on the high side.

My thinking is for around 5 cm at my location before the change over. This is based on temperatures mentioned above and the track of the storm which is to be north of my location. I am still expecting cold air behind this system so flurries/light snow can be expected later tomorrow afternoon.

Will update if required.
Mid Afternoon Update

A great winters day here with clear skies, light winds and temperatures a degree below freezing.

Here is a picture from earlier this afternoon.

EC has issued a Winter Storm Watch for the Halifax area, saying we can expect up to 15 cm of snow followed by rain. We will have to wait and see on that. A quick look at the models shows the system heading up through the Bay of Fundy, putting us on the warm side of the low, meaning mostly rain. Not a lot of cool air around the area so right now until I can take a closer look at things, I will call for some snow turning to ice pellets and rain then back to flurries tomorrow afternoon as some colder air moves in.

The intrusion of cold air should only be temporary as things warm up on the weekend and it looks like it will stay above normal for at least a week. Quite a reprieve from the weather we have had of late, but being winter I would rather have winter like weather.

Will be back this evening with an update on the approaching system.
Wow it has been quite some time since I posted on here. Well it is a new year and time to try it again. Will be back later today with forcast for tonight and tomorrow and hopefully some graphics